Sunday, February 16, 2014

Garut - Swiss Van Java

Garut has a nickname that is not lost, namely the Swiss Van Java. The beauty of the mountains, nature, lakes and dodol (traditional food), make Garut as the 'Switzerland' of Java.

Switzerland is famous for its cool air, has a few hills and mountains, as well as a clean lake. Do not mind all the way to Switzerland, it can be found in Garut, a district in West Java Indonesia. Garut term as the Swiss Van Java has been known since Dutch colonial times. Queen Wilhelmina, Queen of Holland in colonial times, is rumored to have a private resort on the mainpage at the time.

Throughout your eyes looking in Garut, hilly areas will greet you. One of the famous mountain is Mount Papandayan Garut. Papandayan mountain at an altitude of 2665 meters above sea level. Freshness and coolness, not least in the Swiss Alps with Mt. Papandayan mountain is a favorite for mountain climbers. In addition to coolness, natural scenic beauty with edelweiss will add to the charm of Mount Papandayan.

If the Swiss had a Lake Interlaken, Switzerland has Situ Bagendit are not inferior to the landscape. If you want to feel the charm of the lake with a thick Sundanese culture, you also can come to Kampung Sampireun. There, while exploring the lake is calm, you can see the different types of Sundanese culture up close.

Besides the lake, there are many hot springs in Garut that you can visit. Famous hot springs in Garut, one of which is Cipanas. Cipanas bath has become one of the alternative travel for the citizens of the capital, which wanted to remove the saturation with a hot water bath while accompanied by the typical atmosphere of the mountains. If you want to linger in the bath Cipanas, there also are some lodging at an affordable price.

If you want to challenge adrenaline, Garut have Cikadang River that will challenge you with whitewater jeramnya. River flows in Cikadang quite challenging. Plus the natural beauty, guaranteed you will get the adrenaline racing.

Looking for beautiful beaches in the Main Page, you can find on the beach Santolo. This beach can be reached from the City Main Page for 3.5 hours. During a trip to the beach, you will pass the elapsed winding hills. The journey that seemed to 'surf the hill' is, will tempt you to immortalize it with a camera. Santolo beach has clean sand, the surf is calm and clear water. Sunsetnya beauty lest you miss.

One thing that is interesting, if the Swiss have a delicious chocolate, then Garut have 'chocolate' is also a very nice lunkhead alias and legit. Lunkhead lunkhead Garut is famous, and a by-the typical Main Page. Dodol Garut has been produced since 1926. Garut Dodol tastes legit and have no preservatives. Kelegitan lunkhead and a sense of Garut, is as sweet as you cover the visit of Garut. Index.php is the latest innovation from brown lunkhead, combining traditional dishes with style Garut Swiss-style chocolate!

In addition to the attractions above, there are many attractions in Garut worth your visit. Its natural beauty too, will make you feel at home for a long time in Garut. Please visit the Main Page and enjoy Swiss Van Java!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lombok Tourism Destination

• Senggigi Beach

Senggigi Beach is a famous tourist spot in Lombok. Located on the west coast of the island of Lombok. Senggigi beach is not as big as Kuta Beach in Bali, but once we were here will feel like being at Kuta Beach, Bali. Coastal beaches are still beautiful, although there is still littered with garbage because the leaves are still rarely cleaned. Underwater scenery is very beautiful, and tourists can do snorkeling as much because the waves are not too large. Ketengah towering coral reefs causing large waves breaking in the middle. There are also hotels with varying prices, from the expensive to the hotel economically worthwhile.

If you ever imagine your body lying on the beach Indonesia, on the beautiful white sand, sprinkled with an exotic all-natural landscapes, and showered with sunlight to warm the body, it is not wrong if you took time to relax and air travel to the Senggigi Beach on the Island Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The beach is located 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Mataram is indeed a tourist attraction famous for its beauty and naturalness of the beach.
Communities often align with the beauty of this beach famous beaches on the island of Bali, such as Kuta, Legian and Sanur. In fact, the beauty of Senggigi Beach is often portrayed beyond the beaches, because the condition is much more comfortable and quiet. Perhaps this is related to the arrival of foreign tourists has not been rampant in this beach.

As the flagship beach resort of Nusa Tenggara Province, Senggigi is still relatively natural and kept clean. The beach is still beautiful, the crash of the waves are not too large, and the beauty of the underwater scenery, further confirms that the beach that stretches about 10 kilometers is an ideal place for domestic and foreign tourists for a moment forget the daily routine and the hustle and bustle of the city atmosphere.
Senggigi Beach is now starting ogled by tourists, especially foreign tourists, due to the relatively virgin territory, and also has extensive information about his whereabouts. With increasing interest and enthusiasm of tourists to the Senggigi Beach, the local governments and companies keen to build more sewasta and fix all the infrastructure, so that more tourists interested to visit this beach.

Senggigi on Lombok Island visit might be necessary as a tourist agenda for tourists who love the beauty and freshness of nature. Just imagine, when entering the beach area, tourists will soon swept away by a gentle breeze, which blows in clusters along the beach in West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province. A fresh, comfortable and beautiful as if to greet tourists at the beginning of his visit. Time has been at the beach, the eyes of the tourists will be served by the exotic charm of the beach set in waves chasing each other, white sand, and thousands of small animals that spreads on a bed of sand, as well as the landscapes of Mount Agung in the opposite island (the island).
Senggigi beach does offer a unique charm. Natural atmosphere that has not been overwhelmed by foreign tourists, as a marker of different beaches with beaches in Bali. It certainly gives the feel of its own for the visitors. Not surprisingly, the beach is now used as a new alternative destination for tourists who missed the reassuring atmosphere of natural silence.

There are many tourist activities to do on this beach visitors, such as swimming, water play, diving, snorkeling, sunbathing, and playing around making sandcastles. If the afternoon sun had started to fade, tourists can also spend some relaxing time to just walk with bare feet explore the beach, sitting on the sand with mangamati blue-green sea water, or relax at the seaside hotel outlets while waiting for the sunset arrives. For visitors who want to swim or just playing in the water, it is suggested to be more careful, because there are many seaside cliffs are quite dangerous pointy feet.
For tourists who visit the Senggigi Beach, Pura Batu Bolong sempatkanlah observed. As I walked down the side of Senggigi Beach, less than about half an hour, travelers will find a temple built on a reef which is located on the beach. Pura is what the community was named Pura Batu Bolong. According to local legend, this ancient temple is often held sacrifice a virgin, as a dish of food for a live shark on the beach. Another legend says, the temple is also a place for women to throw themselves into the sea because of a broken heart.

Another interesting thing to do is along Senggigi at night, especially when the full moon arrives. Visitors will find many people / local residents who take advantage of the warm sand Senggigi for medical therapy. They bury the body until some or all of the neck for 2-3 hours, while listening to the waves that broke the silence. This therapy is believed to be communities can cure many diseases, such as pegel pains to paralysis. If interested in this activity, visitors can join and try it out.

For the affairs of the stomach, tourists can try the delights of the types of dishes / Lombok typical dishes in restaurants are lined up neatly on the beach. The price varies from Rp 30,000 to Rp 300,000 per person (December 2008). Of course, fun dining on the beach and illuminated by moonlight burst orchestra entertained by the surf beach was a pity if pass up. No less interesting, tourists do not forget to taste the typical dishes that Lombok Taliwang Chicken and Watercress Plecing. Almost every restaurant in Senggigi Beach, Lombok or in general, provide this cuisine. While eating chicken or Plecing Taliwang Kangkung, travelers will be entertained with typical Lombok art, music and dance form. Even if you do not mind, visitors can also go dancing together in shades of joy and family.

In addition, for souvenirs, tourists do not forget to buy pearls and fabric with various motifs and colors. Pearl jewelry that has been assembled into a beautiful and enchanting eyes are mostly found on seaside stalls. However, if you want to string the pearls themselves, visitors can buy a plain pearl beads. Plain pearl is usually sold in the form of a necklace that consists of many pearls. Pearls can be arranged itself according to the desired form of jewelry.
After enjoying the natural beauty of Senggigi Beach, tourists can go on tour to the tourist attractions are not far from the beach location, among others, the three Gili (islet): namely Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air, Beach Kerandangan, and Stone beach screen. The screen is a stone shrine for the followers of Islam Wetu Telu Lombok (Sasak tribe).

Senggigi Beach is located on the northwest city of Mataram, West Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara province (NTB), Indonesia.

To the area of ​​Senggigi Beach is quite easy, because it has no port and airport on the island of Lombok. If the left from the island of Bali, travelers can depart from the Port of Karang Asem use a ferry to Senggigi, with travel time about 30 minutes away. This distance can be cut in an airplane from the Ngurah Rai Airport in Denpasar to Mataram Airport Selaparang (Capital NTB), which only takes about 15 minutes.
Apart from the Port of Karang Asem, tourists can also depart from Padang Bay Harbour in Bali using a ferry to Sheet Harbour on the island of Lombok. On the way, travelers will be pampered with beautiful scenery and also the emergence of a dolphin fish chasing each other following the ship. Padang Bay-Sheet trip by ferry takes about 4 hours. After arriving in Sheet Harbour, tourists can go on to the city of Mataram. The city of Mataram, Senggigi Beach is 11 kilometers and can be reached by taxi and other public vehicles.
In addition to sea, tourists can head Senggigi Beach by using the flight path of air from major cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, and Yogyakarta. By plane from one city, travelers will get to Selaparang Airport, Mataram. From the airport, tourists can go directly to the area of ​​Senggigi Beach.

Accommodation and Other Facilities
Around Senggigi beach there are many lodging options that can be made to suit your needs. Ranging from five-star hotel, resort, hotel jasmine up. Some places to stay that can be used as an alternative is the Holiday Inn, the Oberoi, Sheraton Senggigi, Melati Two Cottage, Pool Villa Club, Panorama Cottage, and others. In addition, in the coastal region is also found many restaurants, cafes, bars, open markets, a row of souvenir stalls and souvenirs, rooms, public toilets, parking lots, and others. Senggigi beach is a beach that Indonesia deserves to be a tourist beach.

source foto : nduts photo


• Gili Air , Gili Meno , Gili Trawangan

Gili Air is the island , gilis the smallest among the series of three well-known on the island of Lombok. In the dyke is known for the many turtles that are disekitaran this island, this dyke can be reached 40 minutes from the city of Mataram, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

Among the many attractions located in Lombok marine, tourists seem to not miss the west coast of Lombok. In addition to the famous Senggigi beach, there are three islands in a sea (of the call with the name of dyke) which became a favorite place for foreign and domestic tourists for the weekend.
The small islands called Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, Gili Meno and. The third island was able to represent a portrait of beauty as the beaches in Lombok. Water clarity are all present sea, white sand grains without a jumble of garbage, as well as coral reef fish are adorable.
 Mileage to the third-longest island takes 30 minutes, depending on whether the flow of the waves. Direct stunning natural scenery. As salty seawater sealed by dark blue, light blue to light green. I was so crystal clear waters, the seabed was visible pithy. These three tiny islands in the middle of the ocean has a different unique characteristics. Each one had a natural atmosphere and its own characteristics. In fact, it seemed to finally sort out the differences in tourists in accordance with the interests, attitudes, and personality.

 Gili Trawangan is the largest island, once the busiest farthest from the main island of Lombok. Most tourists who visit it consists of people who are youthful and energetic. In the holiday season, most of the evening party held by the frenetic music.
 For tourists who just want to feel the atmosphere of the beach without going to get wet, can relax on the porch, hotel, Cafés, and restaurants are arranged beautifully. In fact, if interested, you can hire a horse-drawn carriage cidomo to surround the entire island of Gili Trawangan.
 Meanwhile, Gili Meno is located in the middle between Gili Trawangan and Gili Air, more suitable for travelers who crave relaxation in the silence. Visitors were treated to truly experience the feel of a quiet tropical beach.
 Mangrove trees are still visible along the coastal merimpun. Another with the atmosphere created in Gili Air. The nearest island of Lombok is more suitable for tourists who vacation with the family. Inhabited by most local residents, the island offers a beach is much that is not crowded but not too quiet.

 Despite being in the middle of the ocean, the tourists do not have to worry about transportation, accommodation and affairs of the stomach. All tourist facilities are complete. Each island has a hotel, restaurant, discotheque to a place of worship though.
 All the convenience that ensure the comfort of a relaxing holiday. All the time, the tourists can enjoy as much air typical hot tropical beach. In the morning and afternoon tourists walking barefoot on a bed of soft white sand and very clean or sit perched on the roots of mangrove trees that hung down to the sea.
 That is not to be missed is sunbathing on the beach, swimming and snorkeling. On a calm wave sloping beach, tourists can uncover the mysteries of marine life in safety. Although in some places damaged coral reefs, no doubt leaving the side, the beauty.
 Various types of fish often seen swimming in groups. Moving swiftly among the rocks, coral reefs and sea grass. Meanwhile, a tiny fish that often surrounds the colorful face with kisses and even tourists who were busy snorkeling.

• Mount Rinjani

Mount Rinjani is a mountain located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Mountain which is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with an altitude of 3726 m above sea level and is located at latitude 8 º 25 'S and 116 º 28' E is a favorite for mountain climbers Indonesia because of the beauty of the landscape.
 This mountain is part of the Mount Rinjani National Park has an area of ​​approximately 41 330 ha and will be proposed the addition to be 76 000 ha to the west and east.
 Mount Rinjani is located on the island of Lombok, Mount Rinjani To go, you can use the direct bus from Jakarta to Mataram, Mataram after you get to the village Sembalun or can also use the vehicle to the village Senaru setempat.atau using flight from Jakarta, Surabaya and Denpasar heading to the airport Selaparang Mataram - Lombok.
Rinjani has panaroma best among the mountains in Indonesia. Each year (June-August) visited nature lovers from local residents, students, nature lovers.
Temperatures average around 20 ° C; the lowest 12 ° C. Strong winds are common at the peak in August.

In addition to the peak, the haunt is Segara Anakan, a lake situated at an altitude of 2.000m above sea level. To reach this location we can climb from the village Senaru or Sembalun Lawang village (two nearest entry point at an altitude of 600m asl and 1.150m above sea level).
 Most climbers start climbing from the climbing route and end at Sembalun Senaru, it can save 700m altitude. Sembalun route is rather long but flat, and the weather is hotter because it is through the scorching savannas (cold temperatures, but direct solar radiation burning the skin). cream shading is highly recommended.
 The route climbs from Senaru without pause, but due to weather gently through the forest. From both locations takes about 7 hours walking toward the ridge at an altitude of 2.641m lips asl (arrived at Plawangan Senaru or Plawangan Sembalun). In this place overlooking the lake, or to the outside is very nice.
 Of Plawangan Senaru (if it rises from the Senaru) down to the lake via a steep wall to a height of 2000 meters above sea level) that can be taken within 2 hours. We can camp on the lake, fishing (Carper, Oreochromis mossambicus) are aplenty. Lombok residents have been to immediately seedling tradition to soak in hot tubs and fishing.

To reach the top (of the lake) have to walk up the west wall and climb the 700m-high ridge height 1.000m to be taken within 2 hours of stage 3 and 4 hours. The first stage towards Plawangan Sembalun, last camp to wait for the morning. Summit usual attack at 3 am to find the beautiful moments - the sun rises at the top of Rinjani.
 The journey to the summit quite tolerable; for climbing on the lip of the crater with a margin of safety is mediocre. Terrain of sand, rock, soil. Last 200 meters of altitude must be taken with great difficulty, because one step forward followed by a half step down (sink rock gravel). Create a highlander - is the most challenging and unpaid preferred because of the rough terrain with beautiful natural scenery. Mount Agung in Bali, Mount Ijen-Merapi in Banyuwangi and Mount Tambora in Sumbawa clearly visible when the weather is nice in the morning. Not necessary to climb Rinjani tools, enough stamina, patience and "passion".
 The whole trip can be achieved in the program three days and two nights, or if you want to see two other objects: Cave New Finger Milk and mountain (Mount Rinjani child with a new crater in the middle of the lake) need an additional two days' journey.
 Logistical preparation is necessary, but fortunately everything to be gained in a nearby village. Tent, sleeping bag, eating utensils, food and whatever is needed (including radio communications) can be rented from the homestay, homestay in the village that flourished Senarum more info
Mount Rinjani National Park is representative of the mountainous rain forest ecosystem of low-and high mountains and savannah in the Nusa Tenggara.
In the valley to the west of Mount Rinjani there is the Lake Segara Anak (2008 m. Asl) where the water smells of sulfur, the temperature differs from one place to another. Lake area is about 1,100 acres, a depth of between 160-230 meters. In the middle of this lake appears a new volcanic mountain which is still active and growing.
 Mount Rinjani is Indonesia's third highest mountain (3720 m. Asl), save the mystery of one of them is about the existence of Dewi Anjani. According to the local community trust, the Goddess is the Queen Enjeni jin ruler of Mount Rinjani.
 They believe that the Goddess Anjani was born from the marriage with a man Sasak jin, beautiful and still the descendants of King Selaparang. In honor of Dewi Anjani, people often hold a religious ceremony on Mount Rinjani and Segara Anak Lake, by releasing small fish made from a thin gold to Lake Segara Anak.

Some sites / attractions to visit:

The peak of Mount Rinjani. Hiking, camping and enjoying the natural scenery of Lombok Island.
 Lake Segara Anak, Sebau and New Mount. Research, enjoying the natural phenomenon / phenomena of nature, hot springs, bathing, observing animals and explore the forest. In Maulud, in Lake Segara Anak is often used as a cultural attraction Pakelem (bathe the keris).
 Kokoq brain and Yellow Flower. Hot water bath that smells of sulfur for the treatment of (a skin) and waterfalls.
Cultural attractions outside the park, namely: war Topat Ciwaratri in December and in January in Mataram.

The best visiting season: August / December each year.

How to reach the location:
Mataram - Selong - Sambelia - Sembalun Lawang (140 km) of about 4.5 hours by car. When the walk to the lake takes over 9 hours (25 km). Mataram - Bayan - Senaru (82 km) of about 2.5 hours, walking to the lake for 9 hours (25 km). Mataram - Bayan - Torean (85 km) of about 2.5 hours, walking to the lake for 7.5 hours. Mataram - Masbagik - Kutaraja - Tetebatu (60 km) of approximately 1.5 hours, walking into Otakkokoq for 30 minutes.

• Kuta, Lombok

• Sentanu

• Tetebatu

• Spring Gile Waterfall

• Gili Nangu

• Gili Sundak

• Gili Tangkong

• Monkey Forest Pusuk

• Narmada Park

• Mayura Park

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lombok Island is Paradise

Lombok Island is an island near Bali, some even call it the Sister of Bali because of its beauty is no less interesting to Bali. On this island where I was born, exactly in the district Ampenan, Mataram. Although today, I had long left the island and now living in London, but the island holds fond memories for me.

For me, the island of Lombok is a convenient island, away from the noise like the big cities in Indonesia, and has a natural beauty of the natural and attractive. So, it's Amazing Island. I'm really proud of being born on the island.

Perhaps for those of you who have not been on the island of Lombok, I want to share their knowledge to you on this beautiful island.

Lombok Strait marks the boundaries of flora and fauna of Asia. Starting from the island of Lombok to the east, flora and fauna shows more resemblance to the flora and fauna are found in Australia than Asia. The scientist who first stated this is Alfred Russel Wallace, an Englishman in the 19th century. To honor this limit is called the Wallace Line.

Topography of the island is dominated by Rinjani volcano the height of 3.726m above sea level making it the third highest in Indonesia. The mountain last erupted in June-July 1994. In 1997 the mountain and Segara Anak lake in the middle otherwise protected by the government. Area south of the island is mostly composed of fertile land used for agriculture, commodities are usually grown in this area include maize, rice, coffee, tobacco and cotton.

Approximately 80% of the population of this island is the Sasak tribe, a tribe that is still close to the Bali tribes, but most of the converts to Islam. The rest of the population are Balinese, Javanese, Chinese and Arabic.

Besides the Indonesian language as the national language, the population of the island of Lombok (Sasak tribe in particular), using the Sasak language as the primary language in everyday conversation. Across the Sasak Lombok own language can be found in four different dialects of the different dialects of Lombok northern, central, northeast and southeast. In addition to the number of inhabitants living in Bali Lombok (mostly from the former Kingdom of Karangasem), in some places, particularly in West Lombok and Mataram Municipality of settlement can be found using the language of Bali as the language of everyday conversation.

Most of the population is mainly ethnic Sasak Lombok island embraced Islam. The second largest religion practiced in this island is the Hindu religion, which is embraced by the residents of Balinese descent, amounting to about 15% of the population there. Christian, Buddhist and other religions can also be found, and especially embraced by migrants from different tribes and ethnic groups living on the island. The largest religious organization in Lombok is Nahdlatul Wathan (NW), the organization has also established many Islamic educational institutions with different levels of the lowest level to university.

In North Lombok regency, precisely in the area of ​​Bayan, especially among the elderly, can still be found adherents of Islam Wetu Telu flow (three). Unlike most adherents of Islam who prayed five times a day, the adherents of this doctrine in practice the obligatory prayers only three times only. It is said that this happens because the propagator of Islam when Islam is taught in stages and for some reason did not get to refine his message.

In Cakranegara (formerly known as the kingdom Cakranegara) Mataram now, once discovered by the Expedition Ancient Manuscript Lontar Dutch (KNIL) and then retrieved and taken to the Netherlands, this papyrus manuscript was actually in the Kingdom Selaparang (now about Pringgabaya area, East Lombok), but in when the battle between Bali and Lombok, the kingdom has been lost due Selaparang suddenly attacked, and eventually all the royal possessions seized by the troops Selaparang Bali, the remnants of which are not carried away and burned. Including the gold crown of King Selaparang (Devel Selaparang) and papyrus manuscripts are dipelajarai Kertagama State by the Son and the royal officers Selaparang.

According to the Chronicle content of Lombok, the oldest kingdom that once ruled the island kingdom named Laeq (in sasak laeq means the past), but other sources which Suwung Chronicle, states that the oldest kingdom in kingdom Suwung Lombok is built and led by King Betara sense. Suwung kingdom then subsided and was replaced by the Kingdom of Lombok. On the 9th century until the 11th century stood the Sasak kingdom was defeated by one of the kingdom from Bali at the time. Some of the other kingdoms that once stood on the island of Lombok include Pejanggik, Langko, Bayan, chock Samarkaton and Selaparang.

Selaparang own kingdom emerged in the two periods in the 13th century and the 16th century. The first is the kingdom Selaparang Hindu kingdom and his rule ended with the arrival of the expedition of Majapahit Kingdom in the year 1357. Selaparang second kingdom is the kingdom of Islam and the rule ended in 1744 after defeated by the combined forces of the Kingdom of Karangasem Getas Banjar Bali and Arya who is a treason against the royal family because of problems with the king Selaparang Selaparang. The occupation of Bali Bali raises a strong cultural influence on the west side of Lombok, as in dance and heritage buildings (eg Castle Cakranegara in Ampenan). New in 1894 Lombok free from interference due to the influence of Karangasem Batavia (Dutch East Indies) that goes for the transgression of Sasak people invited them to come. However, Lombok and then under the dominion of the Dutch East Indies direct.
The entry of Japan (1942) makes automatic Lombok was under Japanese occupation government control of the east. After World War II Lombok was under the State of East Indonesia, before then in 1950 joined the Republic of Indonesia.

Cidomo (buggy / carriage / horse and carriage), the traditional means of transportation on the island of Lombok, the main means of transport in rural areas
Lombok is in many ways similar to Bali, and in the decade of the 1990s began to be known by foreign tourists. But with the advent of the monetary crisis that hit Indonesia in late 1997 and other crises that accompany it, the potential of tourism rather not fail. Then in early 2000 there were riots between ethnic and inter-faith throughout Lombok, causing a massive displacement of minorities. They fled to the island of Bali in particular. But after some time later the situation has become conducive and they're back. In 2007 the tourism sector is the only growing sector in Lombok.