Wednesday, January 18, 2012


 Report of the European writers of the 16th century mentions a town named Kalapa, which seems to be the main airport named for a Hindu kingdom of Sunda, capital of Pajajaran, located about 40 kilometers inland, near the city of Bogor now. Portuguese is a large group of people first Europeans who came to the airport Kalapa. The city was then attacked by a young age, named Fatahillah, of an empire which is adjacent to Kalapa. Fatahillah change the name to Jayakarta Sunda Kalapa on June 22, 1527. This date is now celebrated as the birthday of the city. The Dutch came in the late 16th century and later mastered the White Rose. Jayakarta name was changed to Batavia. Batavia is the natural state of swampy country like the Netherlands, their homeland. They also build canals to protect Batavia from the threat of flooding. City government activities are centered around the field, located about 500 meters from the airport. They built elegant town hall, which is the position of the center of the city government of Batavia. Gradually the city developed to the south of Batavia. The rapid growth resulted in a state lilngkungan easily damaged, so the Dutch authorities forced the government to move the center of the higher lying areas. This area called Weltevreden. The spirit of nationalism in Indonesia decides to by students in Batavia at the beginning of the 20th century. A historic decision in 1928 which triggered the Youth Pledge statement contains three items, namely landless water one, one nation, and upholding the national language: Indonesian. During the Japanese occupation period (1942-1945), the name changed again to Jakarta Batavia. On August 17, 1945 Ir. Proclamation of Independence read Sukarno of Indonesia in Jakarta and the Saka Red and White for the first time flown. Indonesia's sovereignty was officially recognized in 1949. At that time Indonesia is also a member of the United Nations (UN). In 1966, the capital Jakarta to obtain official name the Republic of Indonesia. This prompted the pace of construction of government office buildings and embassies of friendly countries. The rapid development requires a master plan to manage the growth of the city. Since 1966, Jakarta grown steadily into a modern metropolis. The following cultural richness of dynamic growth is a significant contribution to Jakarta to be one of the leading metropolis in the 21st century. The 14th century as a port named Sunda Kelapa Pajajaran Kingdom. June 22, 1527 by Fatahilah, changed its name to Jayakarta (the date is set as the anniversary of Jakarta city while No. DPR decision. 6/D/K/1956). March 4, 1621 by the Dutch government for the first time a town called Batavia Stad. 1 April 1905 changed its name to 'Gemeente Batavia'. January 8, 1935 changed its name to Gemeente Batavia Stad. August 8, 1942 by Japanese renamed Jakarta Stores Betsu Shi. September 1945 the city was named the National Government of Jakarta City. February 20, 1950 in the Government. Federal Pre Gemeente changed its name to Batavia Stad. March 24, 1950 was changed to City Praj'a Jakarta. January 18, 1958 the position of Brussels as an autonomous region called Djakarta Raya Township. In 1961 the PP. 2 of Law No. 1961 jo. 2 PNPS 1961 established the Regional Government of Andhra Pradesh. August 31, 1964 by Act no. 10 in 1964 declared the Special Region of Andhra Pradesh remained as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia with the name of Jakarta. Tahun1999, melalaui uu no 34 year 1999 about specific areas of the provincial government of the Republic of Indonesia's capital Jakarta, as the government turns into the city administration, with otoniminya remain at provincial level and not on wilyah city, but it wiolyah dki Jakarta is divided into 6 ( five municipalities and one district administrative thousand islands) Act No. 29 of 2007 regarding the Government of the Province of Special Capital Region of Jakarta as the Capital of Republic of Indonesia (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2005 Number 140, Additional State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4700); Jakarta Provincial City is divided into five administrative regions and one administrative district, namely: Central Jakarta city administration with an area of ​​47.90 km2, North Jakarta with an area of ​​142.20 km2, West Jakarta with an area of ​​126.15 km2, with an area of ​​South Jakarta 145 , 73 km2, and the City of East Jakarta administration with an area 187.73 km2, and the Administrative District Thousand Islands with an area of ​​11.81 km2. To the north stretches 35 km along the coast, which became the bermuaranya 13 pieces and 2 pieces of the river channel. To the south and east by the city of Depok, Bogor Regency, Jakarta and Bekasi City, west of the Tangerang City and Tangerang Regency, as well as on the north by the Java Sea. Geologically, the whole plain consists of Pleistocene sediments contained in the ± 50 m below ground surface. The southern part consists of a layer of alluvial, coastal lowlands are being stretched to the countryside about 10 km. At the bottom there is the older sediment layers that do not appear on the surface of the soil due entirely buried by alluvium deposits. In the northern part of the new found at a depth of 10-25 m, increasing to the south of the shallow hard surfaces 8-15 m. In certain parts there is also a hard ground surface layer with a depth of 40 m. State of the city of Jakarta is generally hot climate with maximum temperatures ranging from 32.7 ° C - 34 ° C in the daytime, and minimum air temperature ranges from 23.8 ° C -25.4 ° C at night. The average rainfall is 237.96 mm throughout the year, during the 2002-2006 period the lowest rainfall of 122.0 mm occurred in 2002 and high of 267.4 mm occurred in 2005, with humidity levels reaching 73.0 - 78.0 percent and the average wind speed reaches 2.2 m / sec - 2.5 m / sec. Jakarta to the geographical conditions of the wider sea of ​​land has the potential of marine resources is large enough, ie in the form of mineral resources and marine products. Mineral resources produced, precisely in Pabelokan Island, Thousand Islands, in the form of oil and gas began to be exploited since 2000 with an average production ratakapasitas about 4 million barrels per year. Marine wealth that can be exploited in the form of fish and ornamental fish consumption. Over the past five years, the average annual consumption of fish production reached 123 thousand tons and ornamental fish production reached 59.86 million head.

pic jakarta

source google

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